Code of ethics


LEONE meets the highest standards of ethical behavior in the performance of its activities.


Main principles:


Loyalty to our clients.

Justice in dealing with whom we negotiate.

Professional excellence and integrity.


These principles are based on the following code of ethics:


Avoid any kind of unethical or compromising behavior in relationships, actions or communications.

Show loyalty to our clients, following their instructions diligently and always looking after their interests.

Avoid any personal or professional activity that may generate conflicts of interests.

We do not accept, seek or receive money, loans, credits, discounts, gifts, entertainment, favors or services which may interfere or give the impression of interfere purchasing decisions.

To deal with all due diligence information identified by the client as confidential information.

To maintain relations of respect and integrity towards buyers, suppliers and technological partners.

To avoid at all times reciprocity agreements that may affect the neutrality and transparency of the process.

To maintain at all times the highest standards of professional competence.